10:02am - Juanda Station

On the street Rosita met another man, Hendrick. They fell in love and rented a house.

But when she fell pregnant he wanted to go back to the street.

Soon after he stopped giving her money and became violent.

"What's more important, your wife or drugs?"

Life with Hendrik

I met Hendrik Marzuki in the year 2000. I got to know him. Well, gradually, I said things that made him happy so he felt sorry for me, and liked me. Soon afterwards, he asked me to rent a house with him in Priok.

Not long afterwards, I got pregnant. I was two months pregnant. Then he didn't want to live in a rented house any more. He wanted to live where he'd been before, in Layang, the place in Pasar Baru with the banyan tree, the floodgate.

I went to my parents' house, and complained to my brother. "What am I going to do? I'm pregnant to my intended husband," I said. "How can I get him to marry me?" Well, after that my brother came to to Pasar Baru. He pressured my husband, my fiance. So in the end Hendrik was willing to marry me.

Time went on, and I got more and more pregnant. He used to work in Kota guarding diamonds. In the end, he didn't like it any more. So in the end, I worked. I collected second-hand goods, carted them round, and sold them.

At first, when he got paid, he'd give me 30,000Rp a day. He'd often give me money. But as time went by, I thought, how come as time goes on, that 30,000Rp is getting less, and less, and less? Sometimes he didn't give me anything. In the end I asked him, "Why are you giving me less and less money?" He lied to me, and said he was saving the money. So I asked his friends. They said he used it to shoot up drugs.

When I saw my man using, I was shocked. And he was too. "No, it's just this once," he said, "Just once." "What is that stuff?" I acted dumb. He said, "Nothing, it's a tranquilliser." I asked around. "What's that he's shooting up?" I asked my friends. "That's an illegal drug. It's dangerous. It could well kill your man."

Often, time and again, I tried to tell my man, but he never listened. It seemed he only thought of himself. After that I went to church. I went to church and prayed. I asked God to forgive my sins and those of my child, and my husband. And I asked people to pray for me, for my safety, and for my husband's safety.

But it turned out... not enough. It turned out that when I got home from church, I saw my child being beaten. Beaten. I was shocked when I saw this. "Why are you bashing my child? Even though she's not your flesh and blood, it's as if she's your child, isn't it?" "What did you expect?" he said. He called me 'little sister'. "What did you expect, sis?"

After that he said, "You talk too much." He said I was whingeing. He bashed me, and shouted at me. He'd been using drugs. He'd been shooting up, and taking, what do you call them? What do you call BKs? Resotan, he'd taken ten of them. Then, he was angry with me.

"Hey, Ros," he said, "I can't bear to look at you. You haven't had that kid, and it's been ten months. Other people only take nine months, so why haven't you had the kid?" This is what I said. "It's up to the Almighty to decide whether I give birth or not," I said. "Whether I'm safe or not," I said.

Then he said, "OK, Ros. I can't stand this any more. That kid's got to come out today. This is what I want you to do. You lift that bag of waste paper, that second-hand stuff." This full one. He told me to lift it up like this.

[After a while] I looked at him, but he hadn't gone to sleep. "What are you doing, spying on me? Go on lifting it until the kid comes out," he said. I looked again, and he was still awake. The third time I looked at him, and did this [touched him] he was asleep. When I'd made sure he was asleep, I looked around. I ran off, escaped to the Pasar Baru [Police] Post. I reported him. "Sir, help me sir. I'm being beaten up. My child is being beaten up. Please don't do anything to my man. I don't care how bad he is, I still love him. Please help me, sir. Please get my child," I said.

He answered, "Don't report this to me. I'll end up in a fight," he said. "You'd better go and report to the Pasar Baru Police Station."

I reported it to the Pasar Baru police station, and told them about it. "Sir," I explained. "Sir, please help me. Please get my kid for me. She's at the floodgate, the banyan tree. She's being assaulted by my man. I beg you, please don't do anything to my husband."