© Edna Walling Collection, La Trobe Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library of Victoria

Source: MS 13048 box 3726

By the way, there is a small but important point to observe in the building of steps - whether they are formal or when they are boulders like these. Each step should have a slight tilt forward. A tilt back can make them most tiring to negotiate. The slope forward reduces the height of the risers thus making the stairway easier to ascend.

... On one occasion a small blue gum sapling was about to be cut down to clear the line for a retaining wall. I came on the scene just in time to swing the line back in a quarter circle behind the tree.

Narrow steps in the middle of a length of retaining wall are often seen, but an improvement upon this may be effected by having the steps instead of the wall predominate - the steps run almost the entire length with no more than two or three feet of wall at either end.

When more than three or four steps are needed it is nearly always best to turn them to the side, and carry them along the face of the retaining wall. The landing on the top is a lovely place to pause before making the descent, and the stairway fits into everything much more comfortably.

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