© Mervyn Davis Papers, La Trobe Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library of Victoria

Source: MS 10408, Box 207

Dear Mervyn and Daphne,

It has just rushed across my mind that if you would be interested in seeing the best garden I've ever done, and it was [...] a lucky one to have fallen in to the hands of Mrs Walker who is such a marvelous gardener and has added with planting quite beautifully I think...well if you ever had the time to run up to Sherbrook [...]

Ring Mrs Walker [...].


This should be a good time to see it, and autumn is good too if you can't make it. AND it also occurs to me if you do make it, you can come back here to a grilled chop - that would be grand. Of course it would mean insufficient light for that portrait [i.e. of Daphne] that I must get. It's one of those things and I shan't be happy until I've achieved it [...]

By the way Mervyn - don't bank on having more time when you're retired - you won't!

With love


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