© Edna Walling Collection, La Trobe Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library of Victoria.

Mum, darling,

...Do rest and keep fresh for Saturday darling - it will certainly be the biggest birthday party you ever had won't it? I'm so glad I made it up that day.

Lots of Love,


[written on the side of the letter]

You will have to help entertain Dame Enid [Lyons]. You had better come up to dinner every night until Saturday!!

Thank you, thank you, for being so loving and patient towards me dear. Why do the undeserving get all this?


17th October, 1937

Dearest of Mums,

...I hope to save a few pennies for a trip to Japan and England to better my work...

P.S. Will you ask Farmers to let me know what they have in men's riding boots. I don't want ladies because they are not heavy or flat heeled enough for the garden.


15th January, 1939

Dearest Mum,

...It makes me mad with rage all that they do to this wonderful place called Sydney, it's sacrilege and I'm dying to buy every vacant block of land to preserve its natural beauty. We don't realize that soon the exquisite beauty that is native to this place will no longer be here - it will all be - out of sight.

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