© Edna Walling Collection, La Trobe Australian Manuscripts Collection, State Library of Victoria

Source: MS 13048 box 3726

I was just drying the second fork ...when I saw a gleam of sunshine strike a white jug on the kitchen table. Into the office for the camera, set it up on stand, take out the little book to record the stop, time and so on, finally take the picture after much backing and forwarding, easting and westing till the best possible shot is assured.

Bellows are good too. I got the idea from my sister, ...One day I was busily doing the corners of our stairway with the bellows, feeling I was acting on the very best authority, when a friend called "What in the world are you doing?" "The jolly housework, can't you see?" I replied sweetly.

"But with the bellows?"...As she was leaving she turned and said "I'll lend you my baby if you like, it's miraculous what he can do on all fours in his long legged play suit, we fit him with gloves to double his capacity."

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